Sandra C.
Contact information:
You can write to me via Raye's contact form.
Still in my 40's, and that shall ever be. Swiss/Italian, I work for Roche, and for my 2 kids. Yes, that's me in the picture and my husband is Apollo himself.

R 11/2022
My other husband
So nice to be here! It's my dose of fresh air, after running chores and the pretend good life out there. Danke sehr, Raye! I think this literally boosts my wellness, like a super vitamin for the mind. I check in through the day, or keep it open on my phone, just to be here and breathe. I know it's in beta and that it's only getting built, but hope was all in the ICU before this.
I shall make more time to contribute, which is a duty, in fact. If we want to save ourselves, we need to make it happen. Mut, meine Damen und Herren! We have one life to live. I'm fortunate enough to have my husband on board (he's also a resident, but not a public one), as I know that many families are split by the psyops out there, that menacing religion included. I'll try to post some in travel, to start with.
I'm also interested in participating in the school project that Raye has up for development, if any developer takes the lead. Let me know. It would be wonderful to get such an important thing going, even if it were only complementary and virtual, in the beginning. Let us imagine being able the get our children started in life on a truthful, sane basis. I don't know about your children, but mine have rainbow flags all over the school corridors and are forced to commemorate a certain narrative and one only, every year, and to play African drum-music in their orchestra class, right here in the "paradise on earth". I will now gasp again for more fresh air. I could help with organizing and some tasks. A whole team and people with html knowledge would be eventually needed, but we should just start somewhere.
Kids schooling is actually the main reason why we can't stay here full time yet, thus buying this small place. The houses on this alley were fully renovated. Be our neighbor, water my plants! I think the Village could turn out really nice one day. Ein sonniger Tag.   9/2023
Bringing my beetle over no matter what!