Photo: G. Rolland  
Get in touch  
See notes below




If you don't have a registered name, see Personify.
Compose - Please write the subject matter atop the message body and according to any specific instructions on your subject matter elsewhere in Raye. Name, email, and key fields must be filled out correctly, including punctuation and letter case. You may send multiple messages for larger content. Sending files - A means for sending files may be available to long-term or listed residents. Resident contact - If your message is addressed to a resident, please enter her or his registered name atop the message body. You may also specify if you'd like to provide your email address to the addressee to communicate directly, should the addresse prefer the same. Privacy - Raye is not part of the global apparatus. Your information will not be used for any purposes unintended by you and will remain safe unless the sun would not rise for us tomorrow. Should you expect a response and not receive one within a subject-appropriate time frame, please try again, as it is always possible for us to come under challenges.