Felix M.
Contact information:
You can write to me via Raye's contact form.
Founding Group member
Nearly a century ago, my grandparents went from Italy(3) and Germany(1) to Argentina and married.
I'm a mechanical engineer, standby dad, camper, and handyman!

A change from warm to cold for me (read my article in Wellness) but it feels different inside. Rejuvenating! Some of you visitors would wonder how come that someone like me is here, someone from that great southern country that we hear no news about (just national debt defaults here and there), and a country that once made it policy to preserve its culture and people. My friends, that was a long time ago. Today, we're all blue-pilled and in line with the other pawns.
(12/2022 update: but our boys still won the World Cup! Bien hecho, ustedes! They beat, you know, a certain replaced nation in Europe. Those knights and peasants who died at Poitiers turn in their graves, I hear. Poor fools still can't appreciate the melting-pot plan. Ok, I vented some. Mechanical engineer, after all. So yeah, we won! Can't cancel that one any time soon.)
I take it at least some of you like my home. Yes, I was lucky to get a fixable barn. Founding Group member advantage - no. Just first-come, first-served, for anyone. It was no easy work, as you imagine, plus the whole pioneering risk factor. Materials and tools, all brought from afar. A couple of pairs of hands and warmers to do the job, and a massive speaker. Everybody on a jobsite knows that's the most important tool. My VW T3 definitely helped, too.

But, I couldn't have asked for a more fulfilling opportunity. If you really crave virtue and stuff. I'm still working on the interiors before staying here full-time. Hopefully the whole family will do, one day, but that's not just about life conveniences. You know all that. As I type on, one word just stuck with me, though. Virtue. I'd actually like to take a poll on that, and here's my basis. Let me turn the music down.

Virtue - Poll
This word is tossed around to various ends - pretentious, formal, inspirational. Beside the many extrapolations for it, I'll go with its original meaning, that of someone having the strength to stand for the good of the community, essentially. (One's honor, ethics, integrity, etc., are always relative to the others.) The meaning is impersonated by the Roman goddess Virtus (well, before becoming a revered notion for all, Virtus was a god, as virtus means manliness, in Latin). The "good" in that meaning is a big variable, for sure - 'cause what they now say is good, it's sort of... doom for us, you think? - so I'll go with Raye's Elements definition there, which would apply to the entire human species, and with truth being at the heart of it. It should go without saying that such standing for the good is backed by reason and commensurate to context and not a purpose in itself. So, Rayeans and free-thinking visitors, where do you stand?
1. Virtue is an idealized quality that we can aim for and temporarily attain but never possess. The motivation to do so is a quality in itself, which we can possess, and one that adds to our sense of purpose. I never brag about it.
2. Virtue is a quality that you can acquire through the understanding of nature and of that you live best as part of a community, with its wellbeing tied to yours. (A suitable community, of course.) Then, virtue becomes part of your way of being. I never think or brag about it.
Send me your take. This could be interesting for our uber-consciousness, and I'll keep it open for a while. Current standings: (1) 12 / (2) 7.

Backyard Fowl - Poll
Since I'm at it, let me take this 2nd poll, on a more down to earth subject, literally. I've grown my own fruits and vegetables for over 8 years, but, with a new life, I'm now thinking little dinosaurs, too. For eggs and meat. There was some debating within an early Council whether to regulate this or, like with everything, trust the fabric and sense of our people. For noise and odor, it was just recommended to keep it to under 6 birds per acre, with 60' setbacks, I think. No roosters, and fine to slaughter. However, if I set up for this, with a designated greenhouse and all, between hens and ducks, I'd like having about 15 birds. Yes, they'll be mostly outside clucking and quacking, unless freezing, and only past sunrise. If you were among my neighbors, what would you say?
1. No issues. It just adds to the country feel for me.
2. I don't mind it, with the setbacks and with active care to keep it all tidy.
3. You should leave this to the farms, or go do it there. Our emerging farming is all natural, they need people, and it's not worth your time or tainting your yard and neighbors' tranquility with this.
Current standings: (1) 1 / (2) 4 / (3) 3. Grazie mille! 2/2022